Friday, December 21, 2007

K.E.N.N.Y - Kids Making Money Book

I Love this cover! I'd buy a cup cake from this young man. Who knows, he may be the owner of the future CakeLove bakery (Warren Brown, an African American owned establishment in the DC/VA area. A new CakeLove recently opened blocks from my home in VA!)

So, what is K.E.N.N.Y? It stands for Kid Entrepreneurs Need Nourishing Young. The "K.E.N.N.Y. BOOK is a newly designed 8-1/2 x 11 workbook with over 64 pages of activities for kids ages 3-10 years old. The curriculum features easy to follow time-saving age appropriate business projects, fun games, business activities, stories of kid and adult entrepreneurs, business tips for kids and so much more." Ken and Jacquelyn Payne are the publishers of the K.E.N.N.Y as well as the Black Pages, East Tennessee. Enjoy!

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